Crazy Man Boobs
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Pakour Dog
- And The Man That Loves To Film Him.
True Love Has No Limits
- But Shouldn't That Cat Be Eating That Bird?
Fancy Sign Holder
- Wow, I Wonder What He Could Do For 9 Dollars An Hour.
- You Know You're Gonna Try It.
"Miss" Gay Brazil Gets Owned.
- Bitter South American Faggory.
Closet Fail
- The Only Bigger Closet Fail Was Your Inability To Stay...
Mini Dozer Fail
- Construction Equipment And Mental Disabilities Don't...
Soccer Fail
- Poor Kid.
The Kings of Packing
- Or Maybe It's Just An Impoverished Eastern European...
Idiots and a Revolving Door
- This Is Exactly Why There Are No Revolving Doors In...
Kid Goes Crazy when Learning She Won a Contest
- Featuring Al Roker.
Teeter Totter Prank
- Not So Much A Prank As It Is Just A Mean Thing To Do.
Dance Championship Recovery
- I Know You Guys Love Your Professional Dancing.
Morrissey Gets Pegged with a Water Bottle and Storms...
- Now That Is A Professional.
Have You Ever Seen Someone So Tired?
- Somebody Is Drinking At Work.
Woman With Two Vaginas
- Man, That Tyra Banks Is A Class Act.
Demolition City 2
- Demolish buildings all over the world. Strategically...
Corkscrewless Wine Bottle Opening
- The French Can Be Industrious When Wine Is Involved.
That's Not a Dog
- What Kind Of Super Douche Is Driving That Thing Around?
The Gun Game
- Use a variety of guns to destroy the targets in this...
Baby Elephant Sneeze
- Scares The Crap Out Of Himself
Skateboarding Dog Fail
- It's Kind Of Cruel, But It's Really Funny.
Pre-Fight MMA Knockout
- Blowing Kisses Is Strictly Forbidden In In The Martial...
Fappy The Happy Dog
- How Much Do You Have To Jerk it In Front Of Your Dog...
Three Cats, One Steak.
- What A Waste Of Beef.
X-Pete The Skateboarding Dog
- That's Not Bad For A Dog.
Burnout Fail
- Gotta Love It When People Trash Their Own Stuff For No...
Vicious Dog Fight
- Damned Hippie Dogs.
Crush The Castle Players Pack
- Crush The Castle Players Pack the resistance has...
Jackass Can't Handle His Bike
- I Love Seeing Those Morons Look Stupid. .
School Kids Singing The Barack Obama Song
- Where Are Their Little Red Books?
- Paging Doctor Freud.
Ping Pong Fighter
- Coming Soon : Pac-Lawn Darts.
Fan Scores a Goal
- A Sad Example Of What Being Drunk And British Will Get...
Toss the Turtle
- Use cannons, bombs, and jetpacks to shoot your turtle...
Kitten Vs a Glass of Tea
- We're Really Running Out Of Things For Kittens To...
Habba Babba
- A Weird, But Funny Prank
A White Kid Gets Beat Down On The Bus By A Bunch Of...
- Hate Crime. Send Those Kids To Prison To Be With Their...
Backyard Wrestling Fail
- There's Really No Such Thing As A Backyard Wrestling...
- 2,559 Uploads
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- Last Login: Yesterday
- User Since: Jul 30, 2008
About Me
I am a geriatric anthropologist. My specialty is end of life tennis ball usage. Did you know that people over 62 use 83% of the worlds tennis balls? It's true, a large portion are used to keep those razor sharp walker legs from "snagging the carpet" or "scratching the formica". They also make great memory aids. Simply pop one on the antenna of the Buick and voilia no more confused calls to the grand kids from Wal-Mart's parking lot. The automotive applications are nearly endless. In fact many Cadillac models have an optional tennis ball console. After all you can't have that chrome trailer hitch exposed to the elements during the four hours a week that the car is out of the garage. Perhaps the most amazing use that the elderly mind has devised for the tennis ball is to suspend one on a string from the ceiling of a garage. While modern science has yet to explain how, this will in fact stop a moving vehicle
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