There are Two Kinds of Girls
- There's a great divide in women's perspectives on life...
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How Would You React To a Haunted Open House?
- Any good haunted house prank needs a busted mirror.
He Tried to Mimic a Legend by Drinking a Bottle of...
- Kid might need some practice.
Power Plant Demolition Becomes Even More Badass When...
- That wasn't the plan, but it was certainly epic.
This Ridiculous Play is Legal in Canadian Football
- They call that kick ball in most places.
20 Easy Pranks to Terrorize Your Friends
- The only thing these hearty laughs will cost you is...
Now That’s How You Do a Trick Shot
- How do you even learn you can do that?
19 Things Where You've Had That Feel
- You've been there. The rest of us have too.
10 Dumb Things Stoners Do
- Dave Chappelle once said, "You have smoked yourself...
18 Things You Can Relate To
- Truths about life that you may have observed.
18 Things That Are Interesting as Hell
- It's a wide, wild world. Get out there!
17 Things That Are Outright Fascinating
- Here are highlights from this endlessly interesting...
Skeletons Found in Roman Catacombs
- They honored their royal deceased to an extreme amount...
15 Simpsons Facts You Never Knew
- The show's been on forever, providing plenty of time...
Guy Balances Stones That Defy Gravity
- Nobody breathe.
Guy's Sudden Splits Stun People in NYC
- People aren't sure how to respond to this guy's...
Bees by an M&M Factory Make Blue Honey
- How about some blue honey on your toast?
27 Pics That Are Downright Mesmerizing
- "Mind blowing" is thrown around a lot, but should be...
Highway Signs Are Bigger Than You Think
- The way we normally see them, highway signs don't look...
15 Genius Thoughts to Blow Your Mind
- These ideas are conceptual equivalent of sliced bread...
26 Times People Fought For Causes in The Exact Wrong...
- These people strongly feel about what they know very...
12 People So Sensitive, You Already Hurt Their Feelings
- How do these people go outside when literally...
How Mechanically Separated Chicken is Made
- After this, you absolutely won't believe people eat...
16 Hilarious Jokes About Weed
- Roll one, relax, and laugh at these marijuana-related...
11 Signs There's a Stoner Near You
- Mind the signs. It could even definitely be your...
Everyone's First Time Doing Edibles
- Admit it. You thought you were immune.
McDonald's Tries to Charge The Wrong Guy 10¢ for...
- Greg does NOT play like that.
22 Hilarious Black People on Twitter
- Genius one-liners and insights.
This Trick Shot Doesn't End How You Think
- It doesn't end that other way either. It's like an M....
Douchebag in BMW Cuts Off Ambulance Multiple Times...
- Guy practically begged for that visit from the cops he...
Will Smith Interview Goes Way Right
- A wacky/fun sprint from start to finish.
17 Reasons to Not Have Kids
- Maybe someday you'll change your mind too, but you'll...
15 Dumbest Things People Brought to The Auto Shop
- If somebody makes one of these mistakes, maybe they...
15 Hilarious Rick and Morty Pics
- There's a character named "Mr. Poopybutthole." This is...
12 Pointers to Change How You Think
- Nobody should go without hearing these brilliant bits...
12 Funny Bill Cosby Jokes That Cosby Hates
- The best jokes the Internet has used to skewer this...
What's Known About The Tianjin Explosion
- The biggest pieces of info so far about China's...
Dangerous Rhino Escapes
Guy Thinks Winter is Like Justin Bieber
- Sounds ridiculous, but he does make a good point.
7 Bernie Sanders Jokes to Get You in The Mood For...
- Somebody is going to be president. Could it be this...
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