40 Time When People Went For the Win But Failed in...
- Sometimes things don't go your way, no matter how hard...
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29 People And Their Not-So-Awesome Boss Stories
- Everyone who's ever worked has probably had some form...
35 Photos That Require A Double Take
- Wait a minute...
18 Funny Things People Believed as Children
- What did you believe to be true?
11 Inventions and Businesses That Proved the Haters...
- These people made bank despite being ridiculed!
35 Uplifting Memes to Remind You There's Still Good in...
- Memes don't always have to be snarky and savage.
57 of the Best Memes for all Your Needs
- Whether you are bored or just have some down time to...
46 Funny Pics and Dank Memes to Kick Off the Day
- A funny set of pics and memes to activate your...
51 Feel Good Moments to Warm Your Icy Heart
- Lots of this year was dark and dismal, enjoy some...
36 Funny Life Hacks That Are Either Amazing or Insane
- So crazy they just might work.
28 Incredibly Dumb Tattoos
- Talk about permanent regret.
20 Brutal Celebrity Burns by Internet Smarta**es
- That's definitely gonna leave some 3rd-degree burns.
21 Stunning Photos of Marine Life That Won Awards
- Life is so beautiful under the sea.
17 Deep Clean Jobs That Satisfy the Eyes
- A good clean makes a big difference.
29 Minor Acts of Humorous Vandalism
- Just enough for a quick laugh without causing any...
20 Random Facts You Might Use on Trivia Night
- How many did you know?
35 Perfectly Timed Photos
- Timing doesn't getting anymore perfect.
49 Times an Epic Fail Left People Shook
- We've all experienced moments when life seems to kick...
33 Facts That Are Kind of a Bummer
- Some of these are not for the faint of heart.
88 Golden Memes to Gander at Your Leisure
- Hand selected and picked for your viewing pleasure.
21 People Having a Truly Terrible Day
- Sometimes life hits you straight in the sack.
25 Gorgeous Photos of the Northern Lights
- It's easy to see how our ancestors thought it was...
38 Photos That Speak More Than a Thousand Words
- These pictures speak volumes.
26 Facts About Football For Super Bowl Sunday
- Get ready for the game with some knowledge about it.
28 True Crime Memes
- Murderously funny memes for people who can't get...
40 Fresh Funny Memes for a Quick Laugh
- You can smile a little, I won't tell.
31 Wholesome Pics Restoring Our Faith in Humanity
- Maybe things aren't as bleak as they seem.
30 WTF Things Nobody Asked For
- Seriously, gtfo.
50 Classic Photos Of NYC In The 50s
- Gives you a glimpse into the life of New Yorkers in...
95 Memes You Can Relate To
- Don't even try to argue, just agree.
22 Funny Dank Memes from the Depths of the Internet
- You won't find memes danker than these.
50 Fun Facts for a Free Fill Up
- Be honest, how many did you know?
39 Wendy's Twitter Roasts Served Extra Crispy
- She's a brutal lady.
34 Awesome Randoms For Your Viewing Pleasure
- Enjoy some photo spontaneity.
24 Words of Wisdom to Live By
- What inspires you?
27 Pics Designed To Make You Laugh
- Or puff air out of your nose in amusement at the very...
32 Facts to Put the World in a New Perspective
- Learning ain't just for nerds anymore.
Extra Large Batch of Funny Memes and Pics (59 Images)
- Sit back and get your scrolling fingers ready for a...
32 People Who Were Burned to a Savage Crisp
- Anyone got some ointment for these burns?
- 2,876 Uploads
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- User Since: Mar 1, 2010
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