Automatic Braking System Test Ends In A Spectacular...
- A Volvo spokesman pays the price for his faith in the...
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12 Scientifically-Proven Reasons To Drink More Beer
- Here’s a dozen peer-reviewed reasons you should...
Drone Smashes Into Southwest Airplane
- A plane gets part of its wing destroyed by a drone...
16 People Who Will Use Their Motorcycle For Anything
- Hold on, let me get my bike...
32 Hilarious Gordon Ramsay Insults
- Gordon delivers the truth... with a harsh dose of...
15 Uses For Vodka, Besides Getting Drunk
- Vodka can help you from everything from a toothache to...
20 Awesome College Courses You Can Actually Take
- Traditional courses not your thing? Check out these...
21 Fun Facts That’ll Make You Look Smart
- Some cool things that you might not know.
26 Old People Who Never Stopped Being Awesome
- Elderly badasses who never let society tell them what...
'Freezer Friday' Art By Charlie Layton
- Every Friday Charlie draws a new masterpiece on his...
22 Fun Facts About The Human Dick
- Fun facts about the human penis that you may not know.
18 Common Facts and Misconceptions You Should Know
- Things that you might not know, but should.
Cat Unimpressed With World's Largest Whoopee Cushion
- The look on his face says it all.
33 Facts to Help You Impress People
- Cure the Monday hangover with some fun facts.
Spelling Actually Matters In The Real World
- 13 people who should invest in a dictionary.
Evil Text That Will CRASH Your iPhone
- Want to be a complete troll and prank your friend’s...
Handcuffed Baltimore Man Fakes Injury After Noticing...
- I'm not sure this man knows how video evidence works...
One Man African Band
- Take some time to enjoy this music!
23 Funny Work Place Shenanigans
- People goofing off to pass the time at work.
Fitness Quotes Brought to You By Drunks
- Words of motivation that can be applied to both...
Grilling Steaks With Lava
- The fastest well-done steak you'll ever get.
25 Last Known Photos of Famous People
- Some posed for their last pic, others were taken by...
Easy Ways To Avoid Sounding Like An Idiot
- 19 Simple steps that'll save time and keep you from...
Compassionate Cameraman Records Fail
- Finally a Russian video where someone shows some real...
27 Disney Park Controversies and Deaths They'd Like...
- The happiest place on earth is also home to quite a...
15 Profound Thoughts
- So you're saying I've got a chance!
25 Things You Love That Were Accidents
- Mistakes that made these items the products we know...
The History of America Explained by a 5yo
- If you want to learn about the history of America...
How Terrifyingly Easy It Is For Strangers To Abduct...
- A social experiment that will send a wake up call...
Screen Door Gets The Best Of This Man
- Stubborn screen door that won't slide right, pushes...
20 Foods to Try Before You Die (and that will probably...
- Drop-dead, jaw dropping, gorgeous abominations of...
19 Lucky People Who Hit The Food JACKPOT
- Sometimes you win big, even when it comes to food.
Big Brother Gets A Nasty Surprise
- Having a kid brother isn't always as great as it...
Terrifying Ghost Holograms For Halloween
- This is next level Halloween decorating!
Glad It's Friday
- GIFs All Up In This Piece Yo!
Glad It's Friday
- A collection of awesome GIFs tto help get your weekend...
Glad It's Friday
- Get the weekend started a little early with a gaggle...
Glad It's Friday
- A collection of GIFs to get your weekend started...
The Reaction .GIFs
- A collection of funny reactions to some of life's...
Glad It's Friday
- 32 GIFs to help get your weekend started off right!
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