30 Secret Pics Hidden In Plain View
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Penn Jillette Condemns David Blaine's Bullet Catch...
- Penn Jillette makes some very interesting critiques of...
Country Boy Schools Trump Protesters and Millenial...
- Damn, he just opened up a 55 gallon drum of ass whip...
The Chuck Norris Sniper Compilation Is Absolutely...
- Master of the Universe Chuck Norris takes out some...
Apple Engineer Talks About New 2016 Macbook Pro
- He takes through all the "improvements" and...
Police Officer Wrote a Hilariously Epic ‘Missed...
- Police Officer’s ‘Missed Connections’ Ad Has The...
Milo Yiannopoulos Effortlessly Shuts Down A BLM...
- An eloquent answer full of simple truths and...
What Its Like Being Stuck In The Middle Of A Riot
- Curb Your Rioting: Brought to you by Meme Your...
Hillary Clinton on Between Two Ferns Is Probably Her...
- "How does President Obama like his coffee? Like...
WIN Compilation September 2016
- Do your best to get yourself in the October edition!
A Marine's confession.
- A Marine talks to his priest.
This Swedish Magician Is The Mr. Bean of Magic
- Carl-Einar Häckner combines comedy and magic for a...
Whose Lives Matter? Powerful video. (WARNING GRAPHIC)
- We need to unite against the insanity.
McDonald's Asked The Internet To Build Their Own...
- Now how in the hell did someone at McDonald's not...
Gordon Ramsay Teaches Us How To Masterfully De-shell A...
- "This is how you extract all the meat from a lobster."
People Interpret What God Was Thinking When He Created...
- Proof God has a sense of humor!
22 Brilliant Ads That Revolutionize Advertising
- These will change the way you think... at least about...
Classic Road Rage Scenario Takes An Unexpected Turn
- A biker lane-splitting gets blocked by two cars, but...
Conan Catches His Employees Eating Cake On Hidden...
- He's just upset because he ins't included in the...
Girl Savagely Rips Apart Hilary Clinton In The Most...
- She is not afraid to speak the truth and call out this...
U.S. Congressman Breaks Out A Vape During A Live...
- Do you even Vape bro?
Naked Dude On Bath Salts Eats His Neighbor's Mail
- The "Austin Mail Eater" starts talking some real crazy...
Fan misses her seat at the game,everyone notices!
- An unsuspecting fan was left embarrassed when she went...
The 'Art of War' Explained Using Sports
- "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without...
The Scariest Silence You Will Ever Feel
- Obama tells a lie that the generals make clear the...
Exposing Fake Pranks On Youtube
- Some dead giveaways on why these videos may be fake.
Another Badass Wannabe Who Is All Talk
- Dude acting tough at a house party turns soft real...
Obese Guy Reacts To Another Obese Guy Lose All The...
- boogie2988 finds out that anything is possible.
Amazing Before and After Pics of Popular Dolls Without...
- All parents want their children to have cute toys, but...
DMCA - Guy Asks His Girlfriend What E-Y-E-S Spells And...
- This guy’s girlfriend is completely bamboozled by...
This is What An Overly Politically Correct World Looks...
- Our increasingly reactionary culture bred by political...
10 Explosive GIFs Directed by Michael Bay
- More proof that explosions make just about anything...
Bill Burr's Hilarious Take On Hillary Clinton and...
- Comedians...still leading the way in exposing...
How To Get Fired From Fox News In Under 5 Minutes!
- The 5 Minute Speech That Supposedly Got Judge Andrew...
Jeff Ross Roasts Female Prisoners
- Jeff Ross visits the women's side of Brazos County...
What your sleeping positions say about your...
- some are healthy some not so much
GIFs Are Better Combined
- A collection of awesomely combined GIFs.
14 Life Hacks To Make Your Life Easier
- Put On Your Reading Pants Because This An...
Fight the Power Friday - First!
- Pictures to stir up a something something in you.
34 Glimpses of Wisdom
- Timeless quotes from wise people, and even some...
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